
Steel products management

This software application was specifically developed to manage transport losses suffered by steel products generally. The software acts as a critical interface between the insured industry, the Insurers, the adjuster network, the broker and the settlement structure.

A data link allows the insured to notify damage notices to the manager, accompanying the information with all the technical data relative to the damaged goods (invoices, B/L's, Packing Lists). After analysing the claim, the manager transfers the task to the surveyors network to allow the necessary inspections to be performed.

The surveyor network prepares the inspections of the damaged goods using the parameterised forms provided by the application; the relative reports are then made available to the manager who, after checking their consistency and congruency, he submits them to the insured for acceptance and the insurers for authorisation.

After completing the cycle, settlement is made and either individual receipts or summary bordereaux are issued. Each development stage of the job from the moment of notification feeds a database which provides statistical analyses of the progress of the policy and an assessment of the reserves supported by specific calculation algorithms.

Sub-rogations forms shall be sent to the insured by data link and all the information relative to the damage notices and settlements can be transferred to the insurers in a predefined electronic format.

The programme is bilingual (Italian – English) and is protected by password hierarchies providing partial access to programme functions.